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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game Has A New Twist On Asymmetrical Horror

Three killers hunt down four survivors in this video game adaptation of the classic horror film franchise.


After spending a few years with Jason Voorhees at Camp Crystal Lake, the studio behind the Friday The 13th game is taking a crack at another horror icon in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. While the game features gameplay that's similar to the asymmetrical horror format established in Friday the 13th, developer Gun Interactive is aiming the make the experience different by having three killers hunting down four survivors in the rural parts of Texas, as opposed to the usual single antagonist of the genre.

"We never want to make the same game twice. You either innovate or imitate, and I don't have to tell you which one makes for a better game. Everyone at Gun prefers to innovate and push the genre forward," Gun Interactive CEO Wes Keltner explained in a blog post. "How do you do this? Well, when it came to the design of Texas we knew that 3 vs. 4 was different. All the mechanics and features are built around this fundamental rethinking of asymmetrical multiplayer. Additionally, when you look at the '74 film, you'll note there's an entire family to deal with, not just Leatherface. So it felt natural to have three killers chasing victims."

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According to Keltner, having to design and balance three killers has proven to be an interesting challenge. "Creating shadows and items to hide behind, mixtures of open rooms to move slowly through, while hallways become natural choke points that players can move quickly through to find the next hiding spot," Keltner said.

Interestingly, Keltner also mentioned that a band of killers hunting down players could make for an "overwhelming" experience, but the team is working to deliver "exciting moments drenched in terror" and brief breaks where you can catch your breath.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre franchise is currently experiencing a renaissance of sorts, as in addition to the game, a brand new film starring the original Leatherface, his trusty gardening tool, and a busload of influencers. If you're a fan of this specific blend of interactive horror, you can also try out Evil Dead: The Game, which will be out in May and stars the groovy voice of Bruce Campbell himself.

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