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The Voices Of Immortals Fenyx Rising's Protagonist Should Be Familiar To AC Odyssey Fans

Both actors behind Fenyx played minor, though somewhat memorable roles in Assassin's Creed Odyssey.


The team behind Assassin's Creed Odyssey is creating a brand-new Greek mythology-inspired open world game called Immortals Fenyx Rising (previously known as Gods & Monsters). Fans of Odyssey may recognize the two voices you can choose when customizing protagonist Fenyx.

The two actors who help bring Fenyx to life are Elana Dunkelman and Tyrone Savage. Dunkelman voiced Alannah Ryan in Odyssey--one of Layla's allies in the present day who's teased as a possible modern day descendant of Assassin's Creed Rogue protagonist Shay Patrick Cormac. Savage is the voice behind Alkibiades, the dude who basically tries to sex it up with Kassandra practically every single time they meet.

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Now Playing: Immortals, Fenyx Rising 17 Minutes Of Gameplay

In Fenyx Rising, Fenyx is a sword bearer--the lowest of the low in the tier of soldiers. While travelling with a group of fellow soldiers, they become shipwrecked on the coast of a mysterious island. It's here that Fenyx meets Hermes, who tells Fenyx that they are prophesied to save the Greek gods from their ultimate enemy, the titan Typhon.

"Throughout the course of this game, Fenyx begins to accept this prophecy and has his or her own challenges with how they come to terms with being this hero, and how the gods see Fenyx as this hero," Immortals Fenyx Rising game director Scott Phillips told me. "Initially [the gods] are sort of doubtful, saying, 'Oh, this is a human. How can they possibly help us?' But obviously Fenyx will, through the course of the journey, prove their worth."

Immortals Fenyx Rising is scheduled to release on December 3.

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