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Thief dev cuts 27 jobs one week after release

Square Enix cuts more than two dozen jobs at Eidos Montreal just 7 days after the reboot hit store shelves.

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Just one week after Eidos Montreal's Thief reboot was released, studio owner Square Enix has cut 27 jobs at the company. The publisher confirmed--and explained--the measure in a statement to GameSpot this afternoon.

"Yes it is true, we've let 27 people go today. Unfortunately it's something that every major studio has to do sometimes in order to ensure you have the right set up for current and future projects," a representative for Square Enix said. "It's never a nice thing to do but we are genuinely trying to offer as much support as much as we can."

"We're trying to re-locate as many people as possible into other roles here or at our other studios and we've been in touch several studios in Montreal to arrange a career day for those affected by this," the statement goes on. "We're very thankful for all their hard work and we sincerely wish them well."

Kotaku first reported the layoffs.

Thief launched on February 25 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC to middling review scores, including a 6/10 from GameSpot. A past report also suggested that the game faced a number of troubles during development.

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