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Titanfall alpha participants forbidden from sharing opinions publicly

Respawn confirms it is holding a "limited technical test" for its much-anticipated game, has no news to share about a public beta.

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Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment today confirmed that it has invited a small number of players into a "limited technical test" for the much-anticipated Xbox and PC exclusive. According to emails going out to Origin users, the testing period is being held on Xbox One.

"As some of you are asking, we are doing a limited technical test. It is not a beta, and we don't have any beta news at the moment," Respawn said on Twitter.

Don't expect to see video or written coverage of the alpha period, as participants are forbidden from sharing their opinions publicly. "Strictly not sharable," the studio added. Of course, that does not necessarily mean coverage won't show up anyway.

Respawn's comments today do not rule out a future public beta for Titanfall, but the clock is ticking, as the game's release March 2014 release date is now under two months away. Studio cofounder Vince Zampella said last month that the company is "definitely" thinking about holding a beta.

Titanfall launches on March 11, 2014 exclusively for Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. The game is never coming to PlayStation or Nintendo platforms, but sequels could. Earlier this week, Respawn addressed criticism about the game's 6v6 player cap and revealed a $65 Xbox One Titanfall-theme controller.

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