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Tom Cruise Punches His Way Through Five New Jack Reacher 2 Videos

Did you know a saltshaker can be a weapon?


Five new 15-second promos for the upcoming Jack Reacher sequel Never Go Back have been released, showing off Tom Cruise in the title role dealing out pain to his enemies in a number of interesting ways.

As you'll see in the videos below, a gun is no match for Reacher's fists, and he also proves that a saltshaker can be a deadly weapon. Manners are important, too, so when he beats someone up in an airplane bathroom, he politely tells a stranger that his victim isn't feeling well. In another clip, Reacher surprises an enemy and threatens to rip his arm off and beat him to death with it.

Never Go Back is directed by Edward Zwick, who previously worked with Cruise on 2003's The Last Samurai, and also features Avengers star Cobie Smulders. It is based on the 18th of Lee Child's bestselling novels, 2013's Never Go Back. To date, there have been 20 Reacher novels.

While 2012's Jack Reacher wasn't as successful as Cruise's other big action franchise--the Mission: Impossible movies--it did well enough to merit a sequel. You can see a full trailer here.

In an interview with Joblo last year, Zwick explained that he wouldn't simply be copying the formula of the first film. "It's going to be a very different movie than the last one," he said. "Because there is a nice sort of anthology possibility to a continuing character like that, it's a whole different world--a different set of circumstances that he finds himself in. So it will be a different movie and I hope a standalone movie."

Never Go Back hits theaters on October 21, 2016.

A video game tie-in called Jack Reacher: Never Stop Punching is available now; that is its real name.

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