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Two Sonic Movie Trailers Arrive At CinemaCon; Here's What Happened In Them

"Later they're in a car together and Sonic explains he's here to save the world."


Today at the CinemaCon event in Las Vegas, Paramount Pictures presented new trailers and details for the next big video game movie: Sonic the Hedgehog. The event was not streamed and the trailers have not been released, but Gizmodo was in attendance and has a report.

One trailer shows a police officer patrolling a town called Green Hills, when he sees a blue object speed by; the officer (played by James Marsden) looks at this speed gun and sees the blue blur is traveling at 760 mph. Of course it's later revealed to be Sonic.

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"Marsden's officer finds Sonic in a house and is startled by him. Later they're in a car together and Sonic explains he's here to save the world," Gizmodo reported. "Meanwhile, a large tank comes up behind them, so Sonic jumps out of the car, races at the vehicle, and smashes through it. He thinks he's won, but then another vehicle drops from the remains of the previous one."

A second trailer showcased more of Jim Carrey's evil Dr. Robotnik. Gizmodo summarised Carrey's interpretation as Robotnik thusly: "Think Ace Ventura. Loud, boisterous, a little annoying, that's Carrey's take on the character."

Robotnik is trying to capture Sonic and take him apart to find out how he moves so fast. Another scene shows the scientist dancing to "Everybody Dance Now." He later meets Marsden's character, and they don't get along. Go to Gizmodo for more details and insight from the two trailers.

There is no word on when the trailers will be shown publicly, or if these trailers were custom-made for CinemaCon and not planned for release. CinemaCon is a trade event where movie theatre owners get together; major studios attend and preview their upcoming films. Disney used its presentation to show new footage of Avengers: Endgame, The Lion King, and Aladdin.

Sonic opens in theatres on November 8. Ben Schwartz voices Sonic. The movie is directed by Jeff Fowler, who picked up an Oscar nomination for Gopher Broke, while Deadpool director Tim Miller is producing.

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