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Ultimate Editions of Madden, FIFA, and NHL Give You Gear, Player Packs, More

EA announces that Madden 15, FIFA 15, and NHL 15 will all get Ultimate Editions that have a bunch of stuff for Ultimate Team fans.

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Electronic Arts has announced the special editions of its sports games this year with the Ultimate Editions of Madden 15, FIFA 15, and NHL 15.

Last year, EA threw in a subscription to NFL Sunday Ticket in Madden 25: Anniversary Edition. This year, the publisher is focusing on the popular Ultimate Team modes with its special editions.

For $70, the Ultimate Editions give players a bunch of gear, players, and more for their Ultimate Teams. These generally come in the form of Pro or Gold Packs, which give you several different players to build your team.

Madden owners will get three Ultimate Team Pro Packs a week for 10 weeks, and a Draft Pack that has 10 of the first-round picks from the 2014 NFL Draft. The NHL 15 Ultimate Edition will net you two Gold Packs a week for 25 weeks. The FIFA 15 Ultimate Edition has the most extra content in it, including five-game access to Lionel Messi in Ultimate Team, three goal celebrations, and one Gold Pack a week for 40 weeks.

All three games release this year for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4. Madden launches on August 26, NHL on September 9, and FIFA on September 23.

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