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Untitled Goose Game Release Date Revealed

Honk all you want when Untitled Goose Game launches late September.


Push Me Pull You developers House House has announced that its latest project, Untitled Goose Game, will honk onto Mac, Nintendo Switch, and PC on September 20.

House House shared the news on Twitter, alongside a release date trailer highlighting the honking shenanigans you can get into. As a very mean goose, you'll be able to terrorize children, ruin gardens and houses, startle people off their feet, and more--all while honking, of course. Think director Nick Castle's 1993 comedy classic Dennis the Menace but a goose instead.

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Now Playing: Untitled Goose Game GDC Indie Mix Live Stream Preview

Unveiled back in 2017, Untitled Goose Game was given an early 2019 release window in August 2018. House House went relatively quiet until E3 2019, where the indie developers revealed that the quirky puzzle game will be an Epic Store exclusive on PC. House House explained this decision, saying, "This kind of stability [that Epic provides in an industry like ours] is huge."

PAX West is officially underway, and the news is starting to drizzle. We were able to check out 16 minutes of Streets of Rage 4, which included a look at new stages and the brand-new character Cherry Hunter. We also saw a closer look at Shadow of the Colossus-inspired indie game Praey for the Gods. Also out of PAX, Epic announced a new batch of Epic Store exclusives, including Manifold Garden and Superliminal. There's a lot more to come out of PAX West, which runs until Monday, September 2, so be sure to check out our hub for the latest news.

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