Warlords IV Q&A
We sit down with Strategic Studies Group and discuss the next installment of the Warlords strategy series.
Strategic Studies Group first began the Warlords series more than a decade ago with a strategy game that let you explore and conquer a fantasy world. It might've seemed like a strange idea at the time, but over the years, the Warlords series has not only produced two excellent sequels, it's also given rise to the Warlords Battlecry games--two intriguing real-time strategy games that were based on the Warlords series' brand of swords, sorcery, and fantastic creatures. And over the years, the Warlords series has also seen a lot of healthy competition from other excellent fantasy-themed strategy series, including Master of Magic, Heroes of Might and Magic, Disciples, and Age of Wonders.

And fortunately for fans of turn-based strategy games, we're seeing something of a renaissance this year. We've already been favored with Disciples II and Heroes of Might and Magic IV, and we'll soon get to play Age of Wonders II--but that won't be the last great fantasy strategy game this year, because the Warlords series is back, too. Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria will be the fourth installment of the venerable strategy series, and will make use of the colorful graphics and terrain system featured in Warlords Battlecry II.
That's not to say that Warlords IV will just be Warlords III with better graphics, because SSG is adding in a lot of intriguing new elements that will change Warlords considerably. For starters, unlike the previous Warlords games, which simply ran through battles automatically to let you focus more on exploration and managing your kingdom, Warlords IV will have an all-new tactical combat system. You'll be able to roll up your sleeves and take your armies of dwarves, elves, and orcs into the field, and attack your enemies directly with magic spells, veteran heroes, and powerful siege weaponry. And of course, this won't be the only addition that Warlords IV will make to the series, but how will all these changes affect the way Warlords is played? We checked in with producer Gregor Whiley to find out.
GameSpot: Thanks for taking the time for this interview. Could you please introduce yourself and explain what sort of work you're doing on Warlords IV?
Gregor Whiley: I'm Gregor Whiley, producer for the Warlords series.
GS: We were surprised to hear that Warlords IV will be based on the Warlords Battlecry II graphics engine. What specific additions to the engine will you be making?
GW: Warlords IV doesn't really use the Battlecry II engine, although it does borrow some of its elements. These include its terrain tile-handling system, particle effects, sound, and networking code. Otherwise, the Warlords IV code is an entirely new system. Just as importantly, Chris Proctor, the artist who did the Battlecry II terrain, is working on the Warlords IV terrain and doing a great job.
GS: It seems that Warlords IV's most important new feature will be tactical combat. Why did you decide to include this new feature?

GW: All the previous Warlords games used an abstracted combat system. We wanted to do something new with combat, and quickly came to the conclusion that there was no middle ground for combat, and that it should either be highly abstract or totally tactical, so we went with a detailed and exciting tactical system.
GS: Could you give us a rundown on Warlords IV's tactical combat? What sort of features can we expect to see--magic spells, terrain advantages, morale, siege weapons?
GW: Tactical combat will be an exciting and fast-moving affair. Units will be making or receiving charges, some might surrender, others will take prisoners, and of course there will be plenty of bloodthirsty combat, with many units having special attacks or skills. Heroes will be using magic, and siege weapons will be absolutely required to batter down the walls of enemy citadels.
A Tale of Heroes
GS: Could you discuss the role of heroes in Warlords IV? How will they participate in combat? Will they have access to all the skills and spells of Warlords Battlecry II?

GW: Heroes will be a very important part of Warlords IV. They will persist from battle to battle as they do in Battlecry II, so role-playing elements will be very important. In combat, Heroes can either operate independently or join some units and use their special skills to boost the performance of the men they are fighting alongside. Naturally, Heroes will be able to throw powerful offensive and defensive spells, but their skills and spells will be based on an entirely new system, designed from the ground up for Warlords IV.
GS: How many playable sides can we expect to see in Warlords IV? Will all the playable races from Warlords Battlecry II be in the game? We've heard that Warlords IV will have at least one new race, the evil Volturnans. What role will they play in Warlords IV?
GW: There are six sides in Warlords IV. These are the Sirians, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Volturnans, and Lord Bane. The Volturnans are even more evil than Lord Bane, and are rumored to be the real power behind Lord Bane's previous power plays in Etheria.
GS: What sort of changes and additions will you be making to cities? What kind of buildings and additions will players be able to make to their cities?
GW: Cities will now be much more important in Warlords IV. Players will have to construct buildings to allow army production, buy spells, improve armies, gain extra revenue and territories, keep or use prisoners and teleport armies. As you improve a city, the territory that it controls expands bringing in extra revenue and making movement easier for your troops.
GS: In your opinion, how do you think Warlords IV will compare with Heroes IV and Disciples II--two other great fantasy-themed strategy games that were also released this year? What will Warlords IV do that the other games don't?
GW: We aim to not only continue but also to improve on the very high standards set by previous Warlords games. We will offer our unique role-playing elements with our Heroes, stunning graphics, a magic and combat system where every battle will be interesting and which will truly reward tactical ability. Naturally, the game will also feature SSG's highly competitive AI routines.
GS: Could you share your thoughts on the current state of turn-based strategy games, in general?

GW: I think it's pretty obvious that the prophets predicting doom for turn-based strategy games were just as wrong as those predicting the death of the PC in general. There is a constant supply of very high-quality titles, and no shortage of customers for these games, so the genre is looking very healthy.
GS: Is there anything else you'd like to add about Warlords IV?
GW: Just that in combining the role-playing elements of Warlords Battlecry I and II, the deep strategy of the previous Warlords titles, our new graphics and engine plus the excitement of tactical combat, I think we've come up with a great game that will satisfy the large numbers of existing Warlords fans and gain some new converts at the same time.
GS: Thanks, Gregor.
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