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Watch Dark Souls 3's Mysterious, Ominous Launch Trailer

"You'll face death and it won't be pretty, enough death to leave you broken."


Bandai Namco has released the launch trailer for Dark Souls 3. As you'd expect from a Souls game, the trailer is cryptic and dripping with a dark, ominous atmosphere. Check it out below.

We won't ruin the trailer for you, but we will highlight one of our favourite quotes from it: "You'll face death and it won't be pretty, enough death to leave you broken, time after time." So cool.

Dark Souls 3 releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 12. Microsoft has announced the original Dark Souls will be available to play on Xbox One through backwards compatibility to those that pre-order Dark Souls 3 digitally.

Series creator Hidetaka Miyazaki previously indicated he wants to wrap up the Souls saga with this game. Having been promoted to chief executive of From Software, Miyazaki said he believes the studio needs to aggressively pursue new ideas. You can read GameSpot's full Dark Souls 3 interview with Miyazaki here.

To see more of Dark Souls 3 you can check out these screenshots that feature a new boss, characters, and armor sets. Those that are intending on picking up the game on PC can find out if their rig can run it by checking out its system requirements here.

Those wondering when GameSpot's Dark Souls 3 review will be published, here's the information you need.

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