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Watch Far Cry Primal's Time-Travelling Live-Action TV Spot

"The original fight for survival."


Ubisoft today released a live-action TV trailer for its upcoming action game Far Cry Primal. The video showcases scenes of battle from throughout different time periods (World War 2, medieval, etc), before reaching the prehistoric time period in which Primal is set. It's a neat video and definitely unique.

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The video beckons viewers to "join the original fight for survival," again referencing its prehistoric setting. Primal takes place in 10,000 BC in a fictional region called Oros. Players will encounter, and in some cases can tame, animals like woolly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers, and jaguars.

This video is labeled "TV Spot #1," suggesting others may follow in the future.

Primal is scheduled to launch on February 23 for PS4 and Xbox One. The PC edition will follow on March 1. For more, check out the stories below.

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