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Watch Kojima/Del Toro's Talk and All the DICE Panels Here

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[UPDATE] DICE Day 2 is starting now with Civilization-themed keynote. A panel featuring Fallout 4 director Todd Howard and the anticipated Hideo Kojima / Guillermo del Toro discussion will follow later in the day. You can see the full schedule of events here.

The original story is below.

The 2016 DICE Summit takes place this week, featuring a number of panels with members of the games industry. That includes the much-anticipated keynote discussion featuring Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro, which you can watch--along with everything else--through the video embed below.

Panels are scheduled to take place throughout the day on February 17 and 18. Highlights include a 25th anniversary discussion about Civilization featuring creator Sid Meier (February 18 at 10 AM PST), a conversation with Bethesda creative director Todd Howard (February 18 at 11:35 AM), and the aforementioned Kojima and Del Toro chat (February 18 at 1:45 PM).

That last one is particularly intriguing in light of the turmoil at Konami that saw Kojima part ways with the company last year. This move followed the cancellation of Silent Hills, a collaboration between Kojima and Del Toro.

A full schedule for DICE can be seen here. One other event of note is the DICE Awards, which take place on February 18 at 7:30 PM.

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