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Watch New Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer

HBO's fantasy series comes back on April 24.


HBO today released the second official trailer for the sixth season of Game of Thrones. The video teases out some of the season's plot points and shows the state of things so far and what's at stake. The video also showcases some of Tyrion Lannister's wit, as he quips, "I drink, and I know things." You can watch the video below, but note that it contains spoilers.

The first full-length trailer for Game of Thrones' sixth season was released in March and can be seen here.

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In other recent news about Game of Thrones, the show's producers recently revealed that HBO lets President Barack Obama watch new episodes before the public.

The first episode of Game of Thrones' sixth season is called "The Red Woman," and the official synopsis for it can be seen here.

Game of Thrones season six debuts on HBO on April 24. For more, check out GameSpot's roundup of all the news, videos, and images for it.

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