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Watch The Simpsons' Disney Tribute Couch Gag

Aladdin and Pocahontas animator Eric Goldberg created this awesome couch gag, airing this Sunday.


The latest Simpsons couch gag pays tribute to classic Disney animation and is one of the more memorable openings in recent memory. Released today by Fox, the new couch gag for this Sunday's episode of The Simpsons was animated by Disney veteran Eric Goldberg. Some of his credits include iconic Disney movie such as Aladdin and Pocahontas. Check it out:

The Simpsons family all take on famous Disney roles. Homer is shown depicted as the carefree Baloo from The Jungle Book, while Marge appears as Snow White. Bart is the evil wizard from Fantasia, Lisa is Cinderalla, and Maggie is a black-and-white version of the classic Mickey Mouse.

This Sunday's episode of The Simpsons is titled "Fland Canyon." In it, Homer will recall a "tense family vacation" that the Simpsons' took with the Flanders family to the Grand Canyon.

"At first, the Flanders' perfection puts the families at odds, but when they get stranded and Ned and Bart go for help, the families finally bond," reads a line from the official description.

In other news about The Simpsons, a May episode of the show will include a live segment that producers are calling a first in animated TV history.

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