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Westworld Trolls Fans With Incredible Season 2 "Spoiler" Video

Never gonna give you up.


With Westworld Season 2 less than two weeks from its premiere, showrunners Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan took to Reddit last night [April 9] to discuss the best way to deal with the inevitable spoilers that will emerge as the show continues and fans attempt to guess its twists and turns. Their radical suggestion was to release a video that detailed the entire plot from beginning to end, so that "the members of the community who want the season spoiled for them can watch ahead, and then protect the rest of the community, and help to distinguish between what's 'theory' and what's spoiler."

Joy and Nolan promised delivery of this video if their post got more than 1,000 upvotes. Inevitably it far exceeded that number (2,950 and counting), so they uploaded the 25-minute video. While it starts like it might be detailing the entire plot of Westworld Season 2, around 90 seconds in, it becomes something.... very different. Don’t worry, there aren’t actually any spoliers in the video, so you're free to check out the amazing moment below. Check it out below:

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Earlier this week, Nolan spoke more about one of the new season's most anticipated additions--Shogun World. This samurai-themed park was first teased in the final episode of Season 1, and Nolan confirmed that "a couple of episodes that are spent in Shogun World."

Nolan explained that main draw to creating this new park was his love of Japanese cinema, in particular the classic samurai movies of Akira Kurosawa. "It comes down to being obsessed with Japanese cinema as a kid and earnestly wanting to make an homage to Kurosawa and the other films I grew up watching," he said. "My older brothers and I watched Sergio Leone westerns and Kurosawa's classic samurai films and were fascinated to discover they had the same plot.

"You had this wonderful call and response between these two genres--with the gunslinger and the ronin. They have identical tropes but are set within different cultures. Frankly, this was just a great excuse to go and make a samurai movie with all the trimmings."

As well as Shogun World, the promotional Delos Experience site also revealed that there are a further four parks which are currently "closed to the public." There has been much speculation about what these other worlds could be. The 1976 sequel to original 1973 movie Westworld was titled Futureworld, and it featured a number of different parks, including Medieval World, Roman World, and, er, Spa World.

Westworld Season 2 premiers on HBO on April 22. For more, check out GameSpot's recap of everything you need to know about Season 1 before starting the new season.

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