[Last Chance] Fortnite Guide: Beach Party Dance Locations (14 Days Of Summer Challenge)
Here's where to find all six beach parties.
There's only one more day to finish knocking out all 14 challenges in Fortnite: Battle Royale's 14 Days of Summer event--it ends on July 16. These tasks are largely summer-centric to tie into the event's theme, and they've ranged in difficulty--some are quite straightforward, others not so much. The first challenge released fits into both of these camps, with Epic Games telling you to dance at different beach parties. But where are the beach parties located and how exactly does the challenge work? We've got all the details you need in the video guide above and map below.
It's become a recurring theme for some of Fortnite's challenges to be simple on the surface but require you to know where to go. That's precisely the case here, because the only real difficulty is in reaching the designated locations and surviving long enough to perform the necessary action. To make it easier on you, we've assembled a full list, map, and video guide for the different beach party locations. You'll have the full three weeks of the 14 Days of Summer event, which runs until July 16, to get this done.
How To Complete Dance At Beach Parties Challenge
These beach parties are a new element you'll find scattered around the map. You'll need to dance at six total, and as the challenge states, they have to be different ones--you can't keep returning to the same spot across different matches. Luckily, you can do this across multiple matches, so you're free to knock out one per match if you so wish. Just be prepared to run into some potentially aggressive company from other people trying to complete this challenge--expect some folks to camp these spots in the interest of racking up easy kills on unsuspecting dancers.
The beach parties are fairly obvious once you happen upon them. Head to one of the areas, and you'll find lounge chairs, umbrellas, porta-potties, a food truck, and balloons adorning the area. Once you're nearby, activate any of your emotes to register progress. You'll know you've done it when you get the pop-up notification tracking your progression on the challenge.
Where To Find Beach Party Locations
We've confirmed six different places where you can find a beach party--just enough to complete the challenge. Make sure to keep track of which ones you successfully visit to ensure you get to dance at them all. You'll find descriptions and a map below and a video guide above.
- northern part of H8, surrounding a small body of water
- northeastern part of D4, at the northwest edge of Loot Lake
- northwestern part of F2, near where Lazy Lagoon drops off the map
- northwestern part of H9, near the water that feeds the nearby river
- northwestern part of E6, along the river southeast of Neo Tilted
- northwestern part of G6, in the southeastern part of Dusty Divot

Beach Parties Challenge Reward
Completing this challenge rewards you with a new dance emote titled Deep End, which has you doing Fortnite's take on the famous "C'mon and Swim" dance. It also gets you one step closer to earning the smoothie back bling, which you get for finishing all 14 challenges from 14 Days of Summer.
14 Days of Summer Challenges
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