Fortnite's Week 6 challenges are now available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile, which means you now have another chance to earn Battle Stars and level your Season 9 Battle Pass up. As usual, there's another incentive to complete as many of these challenges as possible: If you manage to clear all seven from a given week, you'll also complete one of Season 9's Utopia challenges, which in turn will lead the way to a secret item hidden somewhere in the game--including another Fortbyte.
Each Utopia challenge you complete in Season 9 will reward you with a special loading screen that contains a secret clue pointing you to a free item. Odd-numbered Utopia challenges will lead to a free Battle Star, which will level your Battle Pass up by one full tier; even-numbered challenges, however, will direct you to the aforementioned Fortbytes--a new type of collectible introduced in Season 9.
Fortbytes resemble computer chips, and each one you collect unlocks a portion of a larger picture. There are 100 Fortbytes in total, and while most of them can be acquired by achieving certain milestones, a handful are tied to Utopia challenges. That's the case with Fortbyte #2. The clue for this particular chip can be found in the loading screen you earn for completing the Week 6 Utopia challenge--or, more specifically, its description, which reads, "Only the best snipers can take out a holo-clock tower lamp from the rooftops of Neo Tilted."

Just as the description says, you'll need to go to Neo Tilted to find this Fortbyte. The item will appear on top of the aforementioned clock tower, so simply make your way to the area to collect it. We've marked the Fortbyte's exact location on the map below; you can also watch where we go to collect it in the video at the top of this guide.
Unlike secret Battle Stars, which will only appear once you've completed their corresponding Utopia challenge, this Fortbyte is available to everyone who has purchased a Season 9 Battle Pass, regardless of whether or not you've finished enough challenges to unlock the above loading screen. That means you can head to the right area and collect it without much hassle. If you do need help completing this season's challenges, however, you can find tips and guides in our complete Fortnite Season 9 challenges roundup.

Week 6's challenges arrived shortly after Fortnite's 9.21 update, which added another new weapon to the game: the Proximity Grenade Launcher, a gun that lobs bouncing explosives at opponents. The Proximity Grenade Launcher comes in Epic and Legendary varieties and can be found in chests, supply drops, vending machines, or from Loot Carriers. The update also kicked off a new limited-time mode called Horde Rush, which features its own set of challenges to complete. You can find the full patch notes for the update on Epic's website.