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Wolverine and X-23 Are On the Run in Stylish New Logan Poster

Born to Run.


The team behind the upcoming Logan have been promising for some time that it won't be just another superhero movie. A stylish new international poster featuring Wolverine and mutant child X-23 certainly lives up to this--check it out below:

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Logan stars Hugh Jackman, who will be making his final appearance as Wolverine, alongside his X-Men co-star Patrick Stewart. They'll be joined by Stephen Merchant (Portal 2), Doris Morgado (2 Guns), Elizabeth Rodriguez (The Drop), Boyd Holbrook (Narcos), and Richard E. Grant (Dracula). It's directed by James Mangold, who previously helmed 2013's The Wolverine.

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The movie is rated R, and a brutal scene from its international trailer shows it's sitting comfortably within that rating. You can watch the full trailer here. Last week, a stylish new image from the movie was also released.

As for the film's villain, we know it's Mister Sinister, but it is currently unclear who is playing the character.

The notes contained in a page of script that Mangold tweeted last month suggest something more hard-hitting than the previous Wolverine movies. "If you're on the make for a hyper choreographed, gravity defying, city-block destroying, CG f**kathon, this ain't your movie," they state. "In this flick, people will get hurt or killed when s**t falls on them."

Logan hits theaters on March 3, 2017.

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