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Xbox One cloud service to offer three times console's performance - Report

Cloud services to compliment hardware capabilities; provide richer, larger game worlds.


The cloud service supporting Microsoft's Xbox One will multiply the device’s local performance threefold, according to a report by group program manager of Xbox incubation and prototyping, Jeff Henshaw, in an interview with OXM.

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Henshaw said that the partnership between console hardware and the supporting web service will allow for the ability to create more complex, permanent spaces for gamers to explore and play in.

"We're provisioning for developers for every physical Xbox One we build, we're provisioning the CPU and storage equivalent of three Xbox Ones on the cloud," he said. "We're doing that flat out so that any game developer can assume that there's roughly three times the resources immediately available to their game, so they can build bigger, persistent levels that are more inclusive for players. They can do that out of the gate."

It’s a sentiment Microsoft Australia marketing manager for console and software, Adam Pollington echoed in an interview with website Stevivor.

"It's also been stated that the Xbox One is 10 times more powerful than the Xbox 360, so we're effectively 40 times greater than the Xbox 360 in terms of processing capabilities [using the cloud]. If you look to the cloud as something that is no doubt going to evolve and grow over time, it really spells out that there's no limit to where the processing power of Xbox One can go,” he said.

The news follows comments last week from EA executive vice president and chief technical officer Rajat Teneja, who claimed that the architectures of upcoming hardware is a generation ahead of the highest-end PC on the market.

Epic Games vice president and co-founder, Mark Rein voiced his disagreement with the statement on Twitter.

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