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Xbox One S Console, NASCAR Heat 2 PS4/Xbox One Giveaway

Enter for a chance to win a signed Xbox One S and NASCAR Heat 2 on PS4 or Xbox One!

We teamed up with 704Games to giveaway these awesome prize packs for NASCAR Heat 2:

  • Prize 1: An Xbox One S signed by Brad Keselowski and Joey Logano, an Xbox One code for NASCAR Heat 2
  • Prize 2: An Xbox One NASCAR Heat 2 game signed by Brad Keselowski and Ryan Blaney
  • Prize 3: A PS4 NASCAR Heat 2 game signed by Brad Keselowski
  • Prize 4: A Hat signed by Brad Keselowski, Joey Logano, and Ryan Blaney; a code for NASCAR Heat 2 (PS4 or Xbox One, winner's choice)

Four (4) winners will be chosen after the competition ends Monday, December 4 at 12:01AM PT. Entry is open to US residents only, void where prohibited.

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