I'm not a big fan of first person shooters, which definitely puts me in the minority . That said I purchased Ashen because there are so few games for the N-Gage. (The N-Gage reminds me of my old Intellivision/Colecovision days when every single title was hotly anticipated since there were so few.) That said, I have really enjoyed the game. It's beautiful for a mobile game. Easily the best I've seen on the N-Gage so far (except maybe the Path to Glory preview.) There's a limited amount of monsters, but you can tell the difference between all of them (and I am one of the few people it seems who can't see the invisible monsters wihout the goggles.) The backgrounds are gorgeous and the gun animations are great. The conrol scheme is solid as can be without shoulder buttons with one exception. That exception is the buttons for looking up and down. Why do you use the 4 and 6 buttons for strafing left and right, then the 2 and 3 buttons for looking up and down? Shouldn't it be the 2 and 8 buttons? Seems simple to me. The levels advance nicely in difficulty. The need to replay every level as there is no quicksave counterbalances what could sometimes be difficult monsters. Some more boss monsters at the end of the levels would be nice though (there is only one really before the end of the game.) All in all a solid effort. Along with the new N-Gage QD hardware more of these types of games may save the platform (wishful thinking.)
The N-Gage platform isn't exactly ideal for first person shooters. The tiny screen and underpowered CPU hinder the enjoyment of games on this platform, as most, if not all of the games available on the N-Gage, fail to r... Read Full Review
To be honest, I had fairly high hopes going into Ashen. Playing on an N-Gage QD, I didn't expect the controls to be that painful and from what I had seen of gameplay footage, it wasn't too ugly a game for something on w... Read Full Review