As far as DSI-ware games go, this one is a must-buy. However, it does have its drawbacks.
The Bad: Too short, sometimes can be laughably easy, no online-multiplayer.
As far as DSI-ware games go, this one is a must-buy. However, it does have its drawbacks. For one, this game, while having many customization features and unlockables, is surprisingly short. The only reason you will spend more than 10 hours on it is to unlock every car and upgradable part.
The tracks in this game leave a little bit to be desired. Some are too short with not enough turns, while some find a better balance, but all-in-all they could have been much better. Once you figure out how to drift decently (which shouldn't take any time at all, especially if you're into racing games) then you should easily be able to coast to victory in most races.
However, that's where the game attempts to throw a twist at you: VS, Cop Chase, Cash Attack and Destroy All Cars modes. In order to get 100% in this game, you'll have to complete all, and some are just laughable. For instance, if you do Destroy All Cars, you can stay back towards the back of the pack and just ram the same couple of cars into the wall and beat it in one lap.
The multiplayer mode was really annoying for me, just because there is no online option, and if you want to play locally, there is no download feature (so anyone who wants to play with you HAS to purchase the game).
The graphics aren't anything to write home about, and the music isn't exactly memorable. But those things don't really take away from the game too much, as it is just an $8 game.
All-in-all, I think this was a solid game that could have been better. And for the 800 dsi points, I think it's one of the rare games that is worth downloading.