This game totally reminds me of, "Cruisen World!" But this is a descent arcade racer for ds.
Sound: 7.5
Controlls: 6
Looks like a lame racing game right? WRONG! The creaters of it actually put a little effort into the game. What you do is go into tournaments and earn money to buy and upgrade cars. Use these cars to enter certian tournaments only some cars can enter.They got a few good cars like lamboriginis, Saleen, even Slug bugs! (Thats what i call 'em) You have to go 3 laps in about 9 tracks. Really long races! You get really tired after just one race. Your thumbs are sore from the cotrolls. The controlls are like the controlls of a psp. instead of the A button for gas on the ds, you press the B button, and N20 is A and E-brake is Y. You can change it, but it doesnt keep the controlls forever which is really dumb.Now for good and bad...
BAD: Really long, exhasting races,
Uncomfortable controls
GOOD: "Okay" graphics,
good music?
some good cars to choose from.
CONCLUSION: This game isnt a "must have" but it definitly isnt a Terrible game, i actually like it alittle. You might, It's pretty much just a normal arcade racer, But its still good.