One of the fastest selling titles for a reason!

User Rating: 10 | Assassin's Creed X360
OK. I bough this second hand in gamestop cos, well why not, plus it was a good bargain. Box looked good and I heard some good things.
14 hours straight when I turned it on. I found it so addictive. Gameplay's very easy to pick up. Like most good games there's a training bit at the start that basically teaches you everything you need to know!
Story is very interesting (if your into the whole history-might-have-been-different-to-what-we-thought thing). After one malevolent act, Altair must build up his stats and regain the status he once had. On the other side of the Animus, Desmond is dealing with the kidnap and, almost, futuristic machinery very well. Outside, the story's written. The Animus lets you play between the lines.
I don't know, top-of-my-head, who provided voices besides Kristen Bell but everyone did an excellent job bringing these characters to life. Everybody played the part exceptionally.

Overall I love it! 10/10! Online play (or any online features) would have been nice but it is a solid game! Other than that there are no faults! Everyone needs to own this.
Besides. It's an easy (although time-consuming) 1000 points!