Assassin's Creed - Review

User Rating: 7 | Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition PC

Assassin's Creed comes to PC, five months after its console release. It is dubbed the "Director's Cut" with additional content which just meant different and new missions compared to the console version such as throwing people into market stands instead of just sitting down and eavesdropping all the time, which was nice. Another nice feature that came with the PC port is being able to play this game at 60fps instead of being capped to 30fps like on the PlayStation 3 (and maybe even Xbox 360?).

Onto the game itself. Storyline: It was a decent one, fairly basic and a lot of open-ended answers such as why Abstergo is so fixated on getting that Apple of Eden, game left on a cliff hanger after you find pentagrams and other inscriptions on the wall and floor of the room you're trapped in. Altair's story was quite interesting though and the twist in the plot was kind of foreshadowed but still a surprising one, that gets some good points in my books. Obviously this is all a set-up for Ubisoft to have an excuse to release a sequel. Gameplay: Fairly repetitive, go to this city, complete these objectives, assassinate this person and repeat. I completed the game 100% which means doing every single investigation alongside the core objectives to progress forward and also collect all the additional flags along with saving every citizen. Would've been nice to get a cool reward for it though but no. It was basically just a side quest if you really enjoyed the game or are a completionist like me. The controls were a bit funky along with the physics. On the PC, you have the choice of playing with Mouse & Keyboard or your Xbox 360 controller, I picked the second option but it did take some setting up to do. Do not play this game above 60Hz/fps otherwise you may experience weird physics due to the framerate being tied to the physics. Even at 60fps though, the game was sometimes still buggy.

The tutorial funnily enough was probably one of the hardest parts to get through in the game. Not because the tasks you were given were difficult, it's because you might have a chance of the game randomly breaking. First time I played through it, the guy that I grabbed and threw decided to fly away and never come back, stuck in this loop of repeatedly failing the mission straight away. Second time, I silently assassinated a guy and he flew across the entire room out of bounds so the other soldier that is meant to discover the body couldn't as he was stuck behind an invisible wall. Third time was the charm and allowed me to complete the game. The combat was simple but fun, having to know when to counter, when to attack with different choices of attacking the enemy: strong sword attack, light sword combo attacks or silent assassination with that hidden blade of yours. You can dodge, block or counter an attack which also gave the player more freedom in combat. Gotta give some points there as well. As for the overall movement, it was a bit tricky and confusing at times. You're trying to get Altair to grab onto this clearly grabbable ledge and he just decides to stare at it, which is more frustrating if you're in pursuit away from enemies. Sometimes he might jump onto ledges you don't want during free-run or just jump straight off a building into water.

Overall, it was a good game. Decent port and I had a fun time playing it, very invested in the game. The soundtrack was also quite good especially when you assassinated your target and that music accompanies the chase when you're in high profile mode. If you can get it for cheap then I recommend getting it, but be prepared to have to fix the game a little bit, and don't forget to turn your internet off. If you're online playing this game, you might experience stuttering whilst playing due to the game trying to connect repeatedly to non-existing online servers.