One of the most surprising games ever!!
Models: The models of everything in this game do seem very life like in some cases. The models of the people how ever do seem a little mmm
down graded from other games. Thats just the people walking around in the cities that is. The guards and main characters look amazing. The areas that your in just are mind blowing.
Controls/AI: The controls for AC do need some time to get use to. But, once you'v played for a couple of hours or mins you get use to them. Now for the AI in this game it really is just to touchy. If you bump into a guard or a citizen, the guards might hunt you down. That brings me to my second point for controls. You get these throwing knives in the game, and when you are fighting the guards or trying to kill a certain person, it might miss and hit a citizen. This does get bothersome during the game since the guards come and attack you.
Story: The story for this game was great. It was just so mmm creative. Come on a man goes back to the past as his ancestor, which is an assassin :P. Now the story goes a little dry once you get into a bit more, but then it just picks right back up with surprising elements. I still think about this story from time to time, it is just that great in my opinion.
Thank you for reading, and we are all looking forward to the second one ;P.
MC Out!!