"upgraded prince"
User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition PC
i believe that if the ubisoft did not make the prince of persia before the assassin's creed they can not make it such this (great and wonderful).the prince was an experiment to make the assassin's great and nice such this. all of that things which we could not get in prince of persia (every 3 game) we can get easier and nicer in assassin's creed.i have a computer but i could not wait for the pc version and i borrow my friend's xbox 360 and play it on that.fortunately i did not upset for ubisoft imitation from the prince of persia versions and counter i very happy after i played this game.perhaps it is funny for you that i know the prince of persia game from my friends and they inset to me this game so i bought it and i play it . i play it for the name of that game (prince of persia) well i am a persian and i like this game for this reason and lots other.i bought and play the assassin's creed for the prince of persia if it did not be i never play the assassin's creed because i heard that this game is similar to prince game .the ubisoft had not the good incantation for this game. i very want to see the next version of this game.