Fun, but it wasn't worth the extra six month

User Rating: 9 | Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition PC
I had been waiting for this game since it was first announced, and so almost driven to tears when Ubisoft said that the PC version was going to be delayed, and delayed again, and oh wait one more time. I finally got it the day it came out. I already had played the 360 version with a friend, but for some reason I just had to have the PC version. And I finally got a computer that could run it, but since it was a laptop, I had to lower the graphics a little, which was fine.
If you have played Prince of Persia, then it is really easy to get the hang of Altair. the Free Running was amazing, and there is nothing more fun than running on rooftops and killing archers. However the archer missions were not so much fun. Making a "Director's Cut" to apologize to us pc gamers didn't go over so well. The new missions didn't add anything, and well the game so entirely the same. I really like the game regardless, come on if you're making a director's cut you need to change more than just four missions.

That being said, I really did like the game. The story is really compelling, with plot twists almost as good as Knights of the Old Republic. There really isn't great replay value, but I will be counting the days until the next installment comes. Oh, and I lost a bet with a friend of mine that there would be a Assassin's 2 trailer at the end of the PC game, and there wasn't, so I lost five bucks. But all and all an amazing game.