A trip to the Middle Ages proves to be exciting and fun.

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed PS3
Assassin's Creed follows Altair in the Middle Ages and his quest to regain his rank by assassinating targets after he lost it by breaking the rules: kill no innocents, hide in plain sight, and do not compromise the brotherhood. The kingdom and 4 cities are enormous allowing for hours of fun exploring. The assassinations are all different and very interesting. The plot is fantastic and switches view from Altair to Desmond(Altair is actually in Desmond's genetic memory because the game is set in 2012) The plot has big twists that keep you hooked. You can explore the city and scale view points to get more information about the city. There are optional save the citizen missions, flags scattered around that you can collect, and Templars to find and kill that keep the game more interesting. It is satisfying to stealth kill guards and citizens as well as being able to fight guards and targets with a long sword, short sword, and throwing knives. The animations for counter kills are fantastic and fun to watch. The cities are beautiful and look exactly like the real cities they are based off.The only downside is that the missions can get a little repetitive toward the end of the game and you don't get to use a crossbow like the introduction video shows. Assassin's Creed is a great adventure that makes you want more.