assassins creed xbox 360 review
Single player
The key is to assasinate certain people but even this is a joke because once you have stabbed them they start speaking to you like there just having a rest and a minute later they die but anyway thats just nitpicking let me really explain why i hate this game. The guards are always chasing you its like you just cant have a break they constantly run after you even if you do nothing and for some odd reason they can climb walls like altair and that brings me to the controls which are rubbish you feel separated from the game because half the time altair has a mind of his own and jumps what way he feels its so frustrating. Then onto the combat because when i came up against lots of guards i became i even bigger hater of this game because the guards are just so hard to kill and your constantly having to mash any button to fight back. But let me go onto the good points well the graphics are stunning the lighting and textures are spot on and the game runs pretty smooth.
stunning graphics
it can be fun being an assassin
Clunky uninformative controls
Guards that constantly attack make the game frustrating
uninterestng story with nothing work doing again
Zero replay value
Assassins creed has little to possibly resemble the 9/10 it recieved on GS its poor controls frustrating gameplay and uninteresting story make it a rent at best and no where near as good as it looked.