I got to admit:at first I giv it 8(with all that stuff) and,but afta while, BORING, U just did the same thing over'n'ovr
It really let me down, i was hoping it to be like is saw on trailers and (critic) ratings.
The Bad
Guard are so suspicious you have to walk
NO jump button.
SAME investigations ALL THE TIME. (and they get harder -gaurds)
When you get out of ANIMUS you walk REALLY slowly.
Didn't take me that long to finish
Kill 3 Citizens, and you start THE WHOLE level over again.
Only Have up to 5 throwing knives at start
The Good
Freefollow Combat
Ability to Climb Walls (gets irritaing a little but when u fall of)
Ability to Jump from One BUilding to another
BTW: I will also be reviewing Assasins C. II later-on, hope it's good.