assassins creed is very similar to ninja gaiden sigma and the legend of Zelda:twilight princess , which is a good thing
the good: assassins creed offers the same free roaming experience as twilight princess.
you dont have to buy any of your assassination equiptment.
almost as bloody as ninja gaiden in some aspects.
Jerusalem,Acre and Damacus are very big cities therefor full of people to assassinate.
the cinematics look well planned and very realistic.
all of the weapons are fun to use.
it is hard to die at the hands of normal guards.
the bad: you are stripped of all of your weapons and items along with your rank in the first 5 mins.
you have to assassinate 9 people to get all of your weapons, items and get your rank back.
so if you are a fan of ninja gaiden and zelda this is the game for you.
ps: if you complete the game for the first time and start a new game, you can kill anyone you want without loosing any life.