Assassin's Creed is a beautiful and very immersive game. But the gameplay gets old really fast.
I liked how Ubisoft handled the open world concept here, the land that you are in is HUGE. It's very easy to get lost. There are many enemy soldiers for you to fight, but most of them look the same, and don't pose a huge threat unless in big numbers. There are also civilians walking around. If you kill them, you will lose health, and you will have to wait to get it back. You can scale buildings as well, and in fact, you will have to scale many in order to find your mission objectives. Climbing walls is fun, and it's funny when guards see you climbing them, as they will chuck rocks at you to try to get you down. But other than running around the world and killing enemy soldiers, there's not a hell of a lot to do here. You will probably want to do your missions but they are extremely repetitive.
This is the basic layout of a mission:
Traverse to city
Break through guards in city
Go to Bureau
Climb a few buildings
Interrogate someone
Interrogate more people
Pickpocket someone
Kill target
Go back to Al Mualim
You have to do this about 9 times before the completion of the game. To get 100% completion, you must do side quests, like finding all the flags scattered around, killing soldiers that are different from the rest, doing mundane tasks for your fellow assassins, etc.
As far as graphics go, the game is visually stunning. All the cities and villages and open fields are done with so much detail, you are basically immersed in the game. Unfortunately, the graphics also translate to some frequent frame rate drops, especially on the PS3 version, or so I hear. On one of the boss missions, I had to jump from a few ledges while dodging enemy soldiers, and sometimes the lag would slow down the game while I was jumping, resulting in my falling down and having to start all over again. It's very frustrating at times. The picture looks very clear when using an HDMI cable.
The sounds used are very fitting. Good use of sound effects with weapons, and voice acting is good. The music played in the towns is fitting for the time period the game is set in.
This game gets a lot of things right. Particularly the sound and graphics. But for replay value, unless you are really into the story or side missions, I don't see much. Also, the repetitiveness of the gameplay and the frequent lag are giant burdens. Overall, Assassin's Creed is a great game. However, if it could fix the lag of the PS3 version, and have a bit more to do, it would be more than great, it would be perfect.
Give this game a try, you may like it more than I did. It's definitely worth $30, but rent it first just incase you're not sure.