Beautiful, addicting, and then repetitive as any game ever...

User Rating: 7 | Assassin's Creed PS3
Let's get the good things out of the way... the graphics are amazing, the worlds are alive, and the first few hours getting used to jumping around on rooftops, climbing buildings, and checking out the picturesque views is nothing less than thrilling.

Then the story begins... and you're left thinking WTF?? I can't even comment on it without spoiling it. Let's just say, it is very unsatisfying.

Then the missions commence. They are pretty fun, but basic. Not bad for the first introductory missions.

After beating them, you go to the next world, and do the same missions.

Next world: same missions.

Next world(actually, the first one, with more space opened up): same missions.

Yes, you will be doing assassinations, pickpockets, and eavesdropping missions OVER AND OVER, with very little variation.

I did not finish the game. I quit after probably about 70% done, and sold it.

Once you've played half of it, and gotten the gist of the action and had your fill of the fun platforming, you've seen it all, and there is no incentive to keep going.