Beeing an Assassin, lead by the creed and a license to kill...(no civilians) Interesting!
The game was loved by allmost everyone and I had to have a look. They said it was a bit short and quite repetitive after a while. I had to see this for myself...
The game started with a plot. A bartender was kidnapped and has been put into research. He has the memory of his ancestor who was an assassin locked away in his brain. With new technology they could make him replay and relive what his grand grand grand x20 dad has done. Pretty cool concept and right from the start I had the feeling the story has a lot to tell.
When you lay down on the machine it takes you to a memory of Altair. He disobeyed the creed and lost all his ranks. He is set to kill 9 important man to bring peace in the holy land.
The combat has been taken to a higher level. You can counter, combo, dodge, trow knifes and so on. Ofcourse you'll have to earn every ability back from scratch. That could be very anoying because in the beginning of the game you can do it all. At first the battles are hard and not so easy to win, so you run. But after a while with all the counters and combo's you can kill 30 guards at one fight and you're not afraid when you're running around killing every guard you see.
The great part of this game is to free-run in the city! You can litterly climb on everything to get everywhere. That can be real fun and would keep you drooling on your controller till the end of the game. The freedom you get it enormous.
The game looks fantastic. Every city lookes different and will keep on suprising you. When you climb on the highest towers, get a good luck at the surroundings, then you notice how immersive the towns really are. This game is just fun to look at and keeps on doing that till the end.
The main quests are killing 9 of the most important men. Pretty cool mission if you ask me. You need to speak with the Assassins bureau and then you need to investigate the whereabouts of the target. That's cool in the beginning, but the other 8 times are boring. So you often just stop playing because it's 9 times the same thing. But killing the targets is fun. They are all on a different spot with different styles of story. So you know the boring parts where not for nothing.
The game is great, short but most of all just fun to look at!
+ Just feels amazing climbing up those buildings!
+ And it looks amazing too!
+ Feeling god because it's all so easy
+ Combat is refressing
- Short story and disturbing ending
- The investigations get repetitive after a while