Despite a few flaws, Assassins creed is a great game

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed X360
Pros : Just Plain Fun, Cool Asassinations, Intresting story, Looks Fantastic, Realistic crowd Reactions, Good Combat, Solid Free-Running

Cons : Extremely Repetitive, A few minor glitches, Pointless Flag Collecting

In AC, you play as Altair Ibn La Ahad, a master assassin during the third Crusade ( 1300's) . Early in the game you break a few codes of the creed while trying to get the treasure know as the peace of eden. This results in getting a fellow assassin killed and getting stripped of your rank. Your master Al Malim then sends you to kill 9 templars in 3 cities ( Acre, Jerusalem and Damascus) in order to regain your ranks. You actually are Desmond Miles in Modern day controlling Altair in a machine called the "Animus" againts his will.

The basic premise of the game is this : Investigate, Kill, return to Al Mualim. Doing this 9 times is what you will be doing for most of the game. It can get really repetive but it does not ruin AC. You can also collect flags placed around the cities but it seems pointless collecting them as they dont give you awards (other than achievments) for getting them. Your weapons in the game include a sword, short blade, hidden blade, throwing knifes and even just using your fists to take out your enemies. In combat, you need to block to stay alive as well as using counter attacks and doges. You also can be stealty and sneak up behind someone and slice their neck with your hidden blade. Free running is your main way of travel and it is pretty solid for the most part. You can climb buildings to lose guards and then hide in a pile of hay until they are gone.

Presentation :
The game looks great and has vitually no frame rate issues or texture popping. Landscapes and cities look fantastic and charecter models are realistic too. Crowds of citizens react just as you think they would. If you murder someone right in front of someone ou can expect that person to scream or run away or even call the guards. There are some minor glitches though, such as getting stuck in a building or missing a jump that you probobly should have made.

Overall, AC is a very good game and its flaws are easily forgiven. Without spoiling to much, the endings feels like it was deleted and is very confusing but i am not considering this a flaw because all the questions are explained in the second game. It took me about 12hours to beat the main storyline and i didnt even finish collecting the flags so it would probobly take about 20 hours to do everything in total. If you have intrest in this game you should atleast rent it or you can find it cheap now. Thanks for reading my review of Assassins Creed