Good game

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed PS3
Assassin's Creed is a great game. It has a lot going for it, but there are a few problems with it.

First let's start with the good qualities. The graphics in the game are amazing. I don't think there is a better looking game anywhere that looks better than this game. The music score and other sound stuffs are great as well. The controls for the game are done very nicely. The games combat systems is fairly good as well. It is a pretty fun game.

Now you may be wondering what the problems are. Well it is very repetitve. The first mission you do in the game is probably going to be the funnest one out of the all. After this mission you do the exact thing over and over and over again. There are a few side quests that you can do, but you probably wouldn't want to complete them becuase they just make the game longer, and your not gonna want to play any longer than you have too. That is the only real complaint in the game is it repetiveness. Even though you do the same things over and over again, some things will never get old. Like jumping from a very very high view point and landing safely in the hay below, and sneaking up behind people, or in front, and then assassinating them with you little hand blade thing. The combat at times can be really slow to almost nonexisting. But you can change that by killing EVERYBODY. Also lastly the controls can do weird things on you, but that doesn't happen frequently. It only did that twice to me, and I played it for hours upon hours. The ending wasn't that bad either, not as bad as some people say it is.

In conclusion I would recommend it. Assassin's Creed can be an enjoyable game. I would not recommend it if you are a casual gamer though.