Definitley Worth Owning!
User Rating: 9 | Assassin's Creed X360
I'm doubting that you want to read a novel on this game since Gamespot takes care of that...not to mention that many others have already reviewed this game. The bottom line is that this game is all they are saying its cracked up to the be. The animations and voice acting is awesome. The game is very entertaining and you will definitley find yourself taking time just to admire the beauty that this work of art has to offer. The games SCI-FI element fits in perfectly with the story so you won't find yourself going, what??? The games pacing is good giving you a tutorial for each portion and helping the player grow used to the controls and gameplay. Most true games know what types of games they enjoy playing... so if you liked Prince of Persia you will definitley like this... only more.... Go BUY THIS GAME.