Blood, guts and some thought.

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
This has been my personal most anticipated game of the year. It lived up to everything I hoped and more.

The story kept me wanting more. I couldn't put down the controller I wanted to know what would happen next. The story does became a bit confusing toward the end, but not enough you can't keep up. The sci fi twist was good in my opinion not to much over the top.

Game play was fun and smooth. The climbing is the best part of the game. Once you reach the high points and the camera swoops around to show the city, its just amazing looking. This game reminded me of playing the Spiderman games. When you do a Leap of Faith off the top of a church its like jumping on the highest point in the city in Spiderman.

The assassinations are fun to find out how to get to, but the kill kinda lacked that "yes he's dead" moment. Though the scene after is informative to move the story along.

If I had to change one thing it would be the climbing. Though simple is good it would be nice to have something a little extra when doing it.

All and all this is an awesome game and I recommend to anyone who wants a new twist on open city game.