Bad port on top of weak game play elements make Assassin's Creed less than a must-play game.
Storyline: Great ideas; fairly strong characters except the weak voice actor for Altair. Ending is ABYSMAL. If they had ended the game 5 minutes earlier than they did then the ending would be excellent, but they just HAD to create a new issue and a ridiculous, frustrating cliffhanger that makes no sense.
Also, every time you rescue an old woman claiming that she was about to be raped (yeah right lady, stop flattering yourself), she will go into a really long monologue about how she is SO grateful and that her brothers/husband will know of this deed. Or the 50 monks you save who are SO grateful that they will tell their sons about you. And that you have done them a service. And that you are a kind person. And that they are now returning home and won't be leaving it anytime soon. JUST SHUT UP!!!! This REALLY breaks up the game play.
Graphics are generally good... the shadows are mostly amazing, though there are many pixelly edges even on max settings and other anomalies. The trees and bushes look GTA-style crappy but they are stylized so it's not a big deal. Buildings and character models are great.
Fighting is generally quite fun albeit a bit frustrating at times. It's very fulfilling to be able to take out 20 guys in a row in horrific ways without receiving a scratch. Oh right, the game is extremely easy once you are used to it.
The game is fun, just don't pay a lot for it because once you've played through you'll never enjoy it again. Err, I didn't at least. It's pretty fun though.