assassins creed is the game everyone was looking for and now it is here and the it is the best game this year hands down
User Rating: 10 | Assassin's Creed X360
The best assassin game yet, I don't think it will get beat for a long time. people need to make more games like this one. I just can't wait for kingdom under fire to come out because it just may give this a run for its money but even so this game is a must have. Assassins Creed is the best action RPG assassin game of the year hands down I love everything this game has to offer and I can't wait until part 2 comes out. The one thing i love the most about Assassins Creed is the sword fighting and the blood. I also like how you are like a Rogue Assassin, You can just kill at will and walk anywhere in the game and I love the fact that is had a Sci-fi twist. I play it on the Xbox 360 Elite and a 42" HDTV so i see it for it truely is a thing of beauty.
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