The game offers something new in the field of gameplay, but repetitiveness keeps it from being outstanding.
Overall, the game is something new and beautiful, but everything just feels like a repeat of the beginning, just an increase in diffuculty. The thing is you are sent to kill a target, but before you can find his location, you must pick pocket someone, kill enemies for a friend who will supply you with information, or become a peeping tom. Everytime you are assigned to a mission, these are usualy the three things you will most likely have to do until you can finally reach your target, then you must travel back to your home town for your next mission. It is very repetitive, but if they game is played in segments, meaning a chapter a day, the game does not feel as repetitive as it is, but it will still be noticable.
The best thing about the game is the storyline which surpasses most stories is game. It is well thought out with twist and turns to keep you wanting more. It seems the writer knew a finger two about religion and social control because they were able to put them together in a game making it relatable and engrossing. Assassin Creed will make you question your real life choices and that is why this game is worth a play. Its hard for a game like this to dissapoint. The graphics are a treats and gameplay is addictive, even if it is repetitive. Worth a rent, and possibly a buy if this type of gameplay is your preference.