It will have you screaming 'WHY IS MY WARDROBE OPEN?!'

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
Theres not much to say about assassins creed that can really describe why it is such an amazing game, the idea is pretty simple, the combat is even simpler and the stealth is as simple as holding down one button and pretending to be a scholar (the guys in the white robes, there not monks)

yet, through all this simplicity comes hours and hours of pure fun, the controls for combat are just, x to attack, R to block and R+X when an enemys attacking to counter, simple eh? yes very simple, but unbelievably fun! Even with these controls, your still thinking about every movement you make. I actually spent, close to 5 hours, just taking it in turns with my friend killing people, and this was before we had done any missions, the very first section of the game! 4 hours!

Then you have the sci fi 'bit', this is probably been the best kept secret in gaming history, and trust me, it does not dissapoint. Not spoiling anything, but it will have you screaming WHY IS MY WARDROBE OPEN

The freerunning is increbly fun, and the vast enviroments just make the game what it is, the animations are so fluid, rather then stopping one animation and then it starting another, the animations blend in with one another, making going from a sprint to scholar ends up with a funny little jog.

all in all this game is probably one of the best 360 games out there right now, seriously.

o and if you want to add to the longevity, dont do all the investigation missions at once, do the required 2, then go through the game a few more times, with different combinations