This game is AMAZING!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Assassin's Creed X360
This game first of all looks great and plays great! The enemy AI when you are being chased is also pretty good considering they stay on you even if you get on a roof top. The game has a great story and the achievements are great as well. This game has combined elements of Legend of Zelda, Grand Theft Auto, and Hitman. You can do anything but everything comes with a cost. If you kill an innocent civilian you lose health and sometimes guards will see you kill the person or you can be standing next to the body and the guard sees the person on the ground is dead. One of the most interesting parts of the game is that the building aren't warped out of shape like in traditional platformer but it is actual architecture. The game has interesting features that help you get to your target. You can interrogate, eavesdrop, and pickpocket people to get information. This game is amazing with no technical flaws at all. The combat and the story is fantastic. This game is a must buy for 360 owners