look past the graphics

User Rating: 6.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
Assassins Creed. Where to start?
We all know the story by now; you're an assassin – bla bla bla! So I won't bore you with the story line. But I will say, that despite it being complete fiction, it's ok, just.

Upon first starting to play the game – after the awful opening, you'll be thinking that Assassins Creed is going to be a huge and amazing game. It has the looks of a super model, controls better than any football team and is dripping in atmosphere. If ONLY the game play could have matched.
The game world, for me is one of the very best I've ever laid eyes on. It all looks so organic, like the place really exists – today! And Altair moves so gracefully throughout the world. And the controls, though not quite perfect, do feel next gen.

Things start to get sour after the first hour or two of play time. The game is set about leading you down the path the designers want you to take. THERE IS NO OPTION FOR CHOICE!!!
Not once will you be able to choice how or where you wish to complete you mission. I can accept the designers needed to add the story line in, but this comes with a heavy cost (what's more important – story or game-play?).

Because of the game being so ridged, you never feel like you need to carry on playing. You know what's going to happen (as far as game-play goes), it's repeated TOO much. Play any other game and you feel compelled to play more, mainly because the game will evolve and add new and fresh ideas. But Assassins Creed NEVER does this; you do the same thing over and over, and it's not like there exciting things either.

So is this a bad game, well, no. But it's far from what I had hoped for. Most people will be WOWED by how it looks and by the way it feels, but for those of us that look beyond that – it's hollow!
If you're looking for an amazing looking game that controls like a dream, then look no further. For everyone else that want depth, look elsewhere.