Solid gameplay, good if not over the top storyline, very repetitive
User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed PS3
I was waiting for this game for a LONG time and so the day it came out i went to my local store and picked up a copy. I stuck it in my ps3 and straight away it was not the game i was expecting. But thats not to say its a bad thing the bad thing was after playing through it in about 7 hours i was left feeling a little disapointed. ok so for the good The gameplay is solid and flows beautifully once you have the hang of it. The graphics are wonderful when you first enter a city and the landscape sprawls in front of u its great.the storyline. ok for the bad. the storyline i dont know why they had to add the whole future thing to the mix i felt it seemed a little to tacked on to the side of the game with a paper clip it just didn't feel right. By the time you get to memory block 5 the game just seems repeat what you've done before and once you've actually finshed the game there isn't a whole lot left for u to do. So all in all it was a decent attempt to make something a little different than what we've seen. Right now i'm waiting on MGS4 and i've been waiting a while so i hope its gonna be more than a decent attempt