Games great but story drags a little tho

User Rating: 8.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
I long awaited the release of this game i had read alot about it and watched many trailers, and already the hype was huge so there was alot of pressure on the game to impressed. Overall i was impressed the graphics are stunning and the climbing/free running is perfection, BUT levels which you are running around all seem to look the same just with different lights or brick colour. the Fighting could be improved because its mainly baised around you, standing still for like a minute waiting for your enemy to attack, so you can counter. for the first 4 assassinations its gripping, interesting, and entertaining but after that it begins to drag, and become a chore more than fun. After block 3 or so you begin to realise that you ve done basically everything there is to do, and the game repeats itself. you find yourself killing to see what the next weapon is, which turns out to be a rubbish dodge or a better looking sword with no extra moves or combos with it. overall the game is a must buy because you can spend hours free roaming i one of the very large cities or you could try to find the highest leapp of faith