Annoying controls, very repetitive and linear, despite a huge world and endless hype.
Interactions with hundreds of NPC (most of which seem like copies of a dozen archetypes or so), are pretty much limited to moving around, gently bumping into, roughly shoving, or attacking them. The game felt very repetitive. Just keep doing the same thing over and over again, with slightly different window-dressing to distinguish the locations and NPCs.
If you fail a puzzle -- most of which the somewhat clumsy interface reduces to button-mashing annoyances -- you simply get to try it over and over and over and over again. If you fail, the NPCs involved quickly forget you as soon as you manage to hide out of sight. Encounter them again a few seconds later, and everyone has amnesia.
For me the game that I expected to transport me into a rich, open-ended story set during the Crusades, simply felt like a timing-and-button-mashing puzzler. It's way too linear and repetitive to be a lot of fun and definitely my recommendation as a rent, don't buy title.