Assassin's Creed Best Thing Out All Year

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
OK this game has had brilliant publicity and kept in vision for ages now. Well it deserves all the attention it is a bloody genious game.

When you read the instruction book they look complicated but it becomes second nature very easily. The controls couldn't be more perfect for what they were doing.
The free running and climbing is outstanding, It doesn't look false either he actually only climbs up things that look like thier climbable.
The fighting is briliant aswell nice and simple but not too easy.
The gameplay overall is brilliant.

the graphics on this game are outstanding. When you first stand on top of a view point and sync it to your map takes oyur breathe away, it looks that good. Every character looks different and stunning.
The look of the environment is what really stands out though and the fact that UBISOFT were able to make it look that gorgeous just shows how brilliant they actually are.

They make the sound brilliant aswell. When climbing a building really high you can hear the wind, when running past someone in trouble you can hear them screaming, when climbing in plain view poeple comment & when walking past a market stall you hear the vendor talk to everyone.
Battle sounds are just as spectacual with sword sounds are realistic as they can be and the guards reactions and taunts in the fight sound brilliant aswell.

OK this game lasts quite a while (10hrs min) but it is just so stunning I consider it worthy of a second time through, that way you can take kills differently, see things you missed the first time through and just have a bloody good time.

In my opinion this is the best game out this year.
This game overtook such greats as Bioshock & The Orange Box (I would say Halo but it's awful ,and you know it is)

If you don't have this game in your collection by the end of 2007 then be ashamed cause you are missing out on the best gaming experiance this year.

P.S. I am glad this a trilogy because you just have to make a second game for something this good.