A game worth the dollar, even if you're not a fan of stealth or sandbox games.
Assassins Creed is an new take on a genre that previously has been run around and kill lots of enemies, I like the fact that you can emply stealth to accomplish your missions. I like the simplicity of the controls, whilst also being complicated, it get's straight to the point of what you need them to do in given scenarios, for example, you would never need jump when trying to hide, so they change function of it to help you to hide.
You are required to level up, but these are dependent on the stages, not your experience with in a game, and with these levels, you gain new abilities, which is probably a good thing, given that if you were to try take everything in in one go, you would most likely dub it too hard, put the controller down and walk away if you were a novice.
I find combat to be a little easy. You could just straight out attack, but if you are patient, you get a lot less damage from using counters, and you attain a victory over your opponents much more easily. I haev to earn more combat techniques yet, but I hop I get a bit more variety to add to what I currently have.
All in all I find the game quite entertaining, and coming off a game like Mass Effect, i find that I am qquite the completionist with this one, I have been doing all side missions in a given city as well as rescuing all citizens just for the fun of it.